
How To Feed Your Gut For Weight Loss

How To Feed Your Gut For Weight Loss

Did you know that your gut holds the key for weight loss as well as many other health conditions including Alzheimer's? It may seem strange that your gut is such an important player when it comes to your weight but that's exactly what the science shows.

The Gut Microbiome

The Gut Microbiome is now a big deal. No other topic has generated more research and interest in the past few years than gut health. Numerous books have been written citing the many benefits of supporting the gut microbiome. …

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Four Ways To Beat Your Bloat

Four Ways To Beat Your Bloat

Stomach-Bloating? Are you dealing with bloating and aren't sure of the cause? Does your stomach look bigger as the day goes on? Bloating is when you become swollen with fluid or gas, which leads to feeling too full or heavy. Common symptoms of bloating can include gas, cramps, heartburn, headaches, and irritability. If you struggle with any of these symptoms you are not alone; in fact about 45% of Americans struggle with bloating. Many people may struggle daily and think there is nothing they ca…

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How To Deal With Digestive Issues Naturally

How To Deal With Digestive Issues Naturally

70,000,000 people everyday suffer from some form of digestive issue such as heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea or abdominal pain. Often times people turn to products like Tums, Rolaids, Zantac, or the more dangerous PPI's (proton pump inhibitors) Nexium, Prilosec, and Prevacid. With increased usage comes increased risk as studies now show an increased risk of fractures for those taking PPI's.

Why We Need Stomach Acid

The concept of shutting down acid produ…

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Is Leaky Gut Causing Your Symptoms?

Is Leaky Gut Causing Your Symptoms

Could leaky gut be what's causing your health symptoms? Leaky gut can be the cause of many health concerns because damage to the intestinal lining allows toxins to enter the bloodstream. Leaky gut is also known as intestinal permeability. This means there are damaged cells in your small intestine lining. As a result of the damaged lining, bacteria, yeast and undigested food particles easily leak through into the general circulation.

Specifics of Leaky Gut

The gut is designed to take nutrients …

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How Eating At Home Can Save Your Life

How Eating At Home Can Save Your Life

In 1900, 2 percent of meals were eaten outside the home. In 2010, 50 percent were eaten away from home and one in five breakfasts is from MacDonald’s. Most family meals happen about three times a week, last less than 20 minutes and are spent watching television or texting while each family member eats a different microwaved “food”. More meals are eaten in the minivan than the kitchen.

Regular Family Meals Help Children Thrive

Research shows that children who have regular meals with their paren…

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Are Your Sleep Habits Making You Fat?

Could your sleep habits be the reason you're not able to sustain weight loss? It's estimated that 62% of American adults experience a problem a few nights per week and that 40 million people in the United States have a chronic sleep disorder. Research now shows sleep doesn't just help you lose weight, it also detoxes the brain, helping rid it of protein build up that can lead to Alzheimer's and dementia. On top of that sleep loss lowers immunity and raises stroke risk.

Sleep and Metabolism


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Trouble Losing Weight on a Vegan Diet?

You may have noticed some of your friends or family members are now eating a vegan diet. Research now shows that 6% of people in the United States now identify as vegan; an extraordinary increase from the 1% noted in 2014. Are you one of the 6% on a vegan diet but struggling to lose weight? People on a vegan diet are usually associated with a lean body but that is not always the case. Here are 6 reasons you may be struggling to lose weight despite following a vegan approach:

1. You're not gettin…

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5 Ways Cleansing Supports Weight Loss

If you’re new to the concept of cleansing, you might wonder why we need to cleanse in the first place. It’s true that our bodies have sophisticated detoxification systems, through the colon, kidneys, lungs, skin, and liver. But these systems are getting overwhelmed.


We live in a toxic world. Toxins are present in our food, water, air, and environment. Over the past hundred years, our world very quickly became filled with unnatural chemicals. Here are some examples:

Food - our food supply …

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How To Lose Weight With Time Restricted Feeding

The Salk Institute Study

The Salk Institute published a study in May of 2015, subsequently providing an intriguing new aspect to consider amid the world’s obesity and metabolic syndrome pandemic. The study showed mice limited to eating during an 8-hour period (called “time-restricted feeding” or TRF) to be healthier than mice eating freely throughout the day. After 100 days, the mice who ate frequently gained weight, developed high cholesterol and high blood glucose, showed evidence of liver dama…

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The Insulin – Weight Gain Connection


We are now learning from science that the calorie model for weight loss is not the answer for long term success. Dieters have been finding out for decades that just because they eat less and burn more, it doesn't always equate to pounds off, especially in the long run. The majority of people gain the weight back that they have worked so hard to lose. If monitoring calories isn’t the answer for weight loss, then what is? While calories do matter to some degree, hormones matter more.

Why Hormones…

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