Is Leaky Gut Causing Your Symptoms?

Could leaky gut be what's causing your health symptoms? Leaky gut can be the cause of many health concerns because damage to the intestinal lining allows toxins to enter the bloodstream. Leaky gut is also known as intestinal permeability. This means there are damaged cells in your small intestine lining. As a result of the damaged lining, bacteria, yeast and undigested food particles easily leak through into the general circulation.
Specifics of Leaky Gut
The gut is designed to take nutrients in from the food you eat which supports energy and healing. It naturally absorbs vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Anything else that enters the body is unrecognizable because it's not supposed to be there. When processed foods, refined sugars and preservatives are taken in, the body does not handle them well and mounts an inflammatory response especially if eaten often. As these foods are eaten, the inflammation continues and damages the cell layer of your intestinal lining. What's important to understand is that leaky gut is not a yes or no condition, it's a spectrum ranging from mild to severe. If you have mild permeability you likely won't have too many symptoms. If you have severe permeability you'll likely have many.
Symptoms of Leaky gut
Leaky gut is associated with many symptoms including the following: Fatigue Brain fog Chronic diarrhea or constipation Skin conditions, rashes Headaches Auto-immune conditions Nutritional deficiencies Mood disorders Joint pain and more How to Heal Leaky Gut Healing leaky gut involves removing processed foods as well as those foods you are sensitive to. Replacing these with easy to digest whole foods and foods which support healing including bone broth and fermented vegetables which provide beneficial bacteria. There are many supportive nutrients that also help the gut lining including aloe, l-glutamine, slippery elm, omega 3 fatty acids and quercetin. For individual help with your concern schedule a free strategy session here.